Historic trumpet players | Current players Susan Slaughter, principal trumpet St. Louis Symphony for 40 years (1970 -- 2010). Laurie Frink (1951--2013) freelance trumpeter, NYC, featured on Broadway show albums and big band jazz albums Marie Speziale, Associate principal trumpet, Cinncinnati Symphony (1964--1996) Ingrid Jensen, jazz trumpet, flugelhorn, jazz band leader Rebecca Coupe Franks, jazz trumpet, NYC Alison Bolsom, International trumpet soloist |
Valaida Snow (1904 -- 1956) jazz trumpeter, band leader and composer Jane Sager (c.1924 -- 2012) trumpeter, band leader and music educator based in California Clora Bryant (1927 -- ) jazz trumpeter, honored by the IWBC; given Mary Lou Williams Women in Jazz Award at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., 2002 Carole Dawn Reinhart (1940 -- ), honored by the IWBC, American trumpet soloist and music educator based in Vienna. |
These are only a few of the women who have excelled as trumpeters, past and present. You'll find more on the IWBC website. Add YOUR favorite female trumpeter to Susan's Comment Page!